- Hwy 28 North
- Burningtown
- Burningtown
- Burningtown
- Burningtown
- Winifred Dalen, one fo the founders of the Museum
- Fossil
- Faceted glass
- Rutile in Quartz
- Petrified pine cone
- Sand bottle I made in the 70’s
- Fluorescent rocks
- Pleasant Hill AME Church 1980’s
- Pleasant Hill AME Church
- Interior
- Pleasant Hill Church after restoration
- Pleasant Hill Plaque
- The Wall traveling exhibit
- demolition to build Macon Bank downtown
- Needmore bridge
- Peeks Creek before flood
- Papaw’s shed
- Barn where SCC is now
- Mason barn
- Tessentee
- Cullasaja
- Tobacco barn
- Sanderstown Road
- Onion Mountain