Red flowers with 3 petals
Red flowers with 4 petals
Red flowers with 5 petals
Red flowers with many petals.
Red flowers in a cluster.
- Carolina Geranium fruit
Red flowers in an irregular shape
- Columbine
- Columbine
- Columbine
- Crimson Bee Balm
- Crimson Bee Balm
- Indian Pink
- Indian Pink
- Indian Pink
- Indian Pink
- Jewelweed
Red flower in a spike
- American Alumroot
- American Alumroot
- Cardinal Flower
- Cardinal Flower
- Cardinal Flower
- Cardinal Flower
- Cardinal Flower
- Cardinal Flower
- Cardinal Flower
- Cardinal Flower
- Cardinal Flower
- Crimson Clover
- Crimson Clover
- Indian Paintbrush
- Indian Paintbrush
- Indian Paintbrush and Robin’s Plantain
- Wood Betony
Red flowers on trees or bushes
Red flowers on vines
- Leather Vasevine
- Leather Vasevine
- Small Red Morning Glory
- Small Red Morning Glory
- Small Red Morning Glory
- Trumpet Honeysuckle